Market Status OPEN Friday 28 March 2025

East African Breweries Limited


The first cross border listing in the East African market occurred with the listing of East African Breweries Ltd (EABL) on the USE on 27th March 2001.

EABL is a public limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Kenya. It has 150 million authorized ordinary shares of KShs.10/- representing an Authorized share capital of KShs.1.5 Billion and 108.989 million issued and fully paid shares representing an Issued share capital of KShs.1, 089,893,110.

Founded in 1922, East African Breweries Ltd is the group holding company for the largest brewing concern in East Africa with an annual turnover of US $325 million.

The Company was recently named East Africa’s Most Respected Company by a survey of East African and Multinational companies undertaken by Price Waterhouse Coopers and the Nation Media Group in November 2000.

East African Breweries Ltd owns 100% shares in Kenya Breweries, Central Glass and Kenya Maltings. In Uganda it owns 93% of Uganda Breweries Ltd and in Tanzania, 86% of Kibo Breweries